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ScotlandIS building a thriving digital technology ecosystem in Scotland and supporting our members to grow nationally and internationally.

We bring real, tangible benefits and a whole lot of value to you.

Members join us because of our track record, our connections and authority within the industry. They join us because they know we can help them build their business and drive the industry forward.


Of course, 你可以免费参加我们几乎所有的活动, 而少数需要收费的商品则有很大的折扣, you’ll get our bulletin every other week and the option to sign up to hear specific updates around data, 网络和移动即服务.



Whatever stage you are at, we can support and add value – and give you a real voice.  Through our membership and clusters we have access to over 1000 companies across all aspects of tech in Scotland – but our reach is wider than that. 

We believe digital technologies are the future and can power Scotland’s long-term economic success. We work to drive engagement across different sectors which are enabling Scotland, 这个行业和你的业务发展.

如果你需要联系某人, 需要帮助你的公司进入下一个阶段, 或者有一个你想要合作的伙伴, 让我们知道,我们会很乐意帮助和介绍你.


ScotlandIS在业内具有影响力和人脉, 与博天堂入口和英国政府以及公共部门合作. The implications for business of our political lobbying and policy-making are far reaching, 从采购到技能. 我们所做的积极工作使该行业的每一家企业受益

We’re connected into both UK and Scottish Government at a strategic level, which gives us the ability to talk to those who matter most on the policies that matter to you. 

We have a Policy Advisory Group which is made up of our industry members, 博天堂入口和英国政府及公共部门, and this gives us a strong voice and channel for our members’ to be heard.

We created the 数字国家挑战 with the Scottish Government to ensure that industry had a voice and was able to help steer the strategic vision of Scotland as a Digital Nation, 有了工业,我们创造了 不让任何人掉队 initiative (now Connecting Scotland) a £20 million fund to get connectivity, devices and training to those citizens who did not have access.  通过我们与博天堂入口科技公司和 MaaS Scotland cluster, we successfully lobbied Transport Scotland to create a 100万英镑基金 to pilot projects that will digitally transform journeys 在博天堂入口

WE HELP COLLABORATION – locally, nationally and internationally

We facilitate opportunities to help our members grow through collaboration, 从我们的访问访问相关, focussed events to hear from acknowledged experts and keep your knowledge current, to small roundtables about subjects that impact you and your business the most. 

我们与 科技公司集群博天堂入口, 在英国及其他地区从事沉浸式技术研究的人, cleantech, cyber, data, 软件开发等等.  We work with our partner organisation to create opportunities for collaboration, 知识共享与成长.


Through your membership and our network we can help you to raise awareness and strengthen your profile.

我们为你努力工作, we listen to you and provide opportunities to promote your business and collaborate across the membership and with potential customers.

We have a Cross Sector Advisory Group to bring new sector knowledge to our industry and open channels of communication and share business opportunities.

我们将把贵公司列入我们的名单 会员目录 and give you the option of inclusion with increased exposure into our cyber and data directories*.

We’ll post any news, events or updates that you send us and spread the message far and wide.  Member news and events are included in our bulletin every two weeks which has a readership of over 7000 people in financial services, oil and gas, 公营部门, third sector, 工业界和学术界.



We know there is a critical shortage of skilled software and IT people in Scotland. 确保未来的人才是我们的首要任务. We are focused on connecting skilled people with business to realise potential.

被认为具有前瞻性和能力, ScotlandIS advocates and encourages grass roots interest in computer science, increasing diversity and higher participation throughout the education system.

我们成功地游说建立了 技能投资计划 对于我们的行业来说,帮助创造了 CodeClan, the first digital skills academy in the UK, the creation of the Data Lab and through our ePlacement Scotland programme the placing of the first funded cohort of Master Data students in Scotland.

最近,我们与政府合作制定了 Future Fund and other elements of support available to tech businesses to ensure that they not only survived but thrived through the pandemic.

We asked Scottish Government to ensure the voice of the SME was heard in the Economic Advisory Committee review, we met with Ms Hyslop to ensure the voice of our industry was heard.

We input to the Logan report and wrote to Scottish Government to highlight the 教育需要数字化转型 在博天堂入口的战略和国家层面.


数字技术产业影响着其他所有行业. 我们评估新兴趋势并汇集知识, events and insights from leading experts to enable all businesses to understand and make informed decisions to drive growth.

ScotlandIS brings intelligent influence to national strategic debates. We speak with authority across the spectrum of issues that surround the information revolution.

Need More?

我们也有一系列 商业利益 that you and your team can take advantage of – from discounted travel to business essentials like insurance, password management and accounting software to assistance with organising and hosting events. These benefits help with the effective and efficient running of your business.

如果你想成为领先的科技生态系统的一部分, build the strongest networks and make sure your voice is heard, it’s simple, Join us.

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